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Microdose Schedule

Why Microdose?

Microdosing (consuming vague measures of psilocybin) may prompt various advantages including increased focus, attention to detail, improved mood, and much more! Consuming microdoses of magic mushrooms is an extraordinary method for upgrading your day-to-day existence without the burden of having a psychedelic trip in the middle of the day. 

Microdosing Tips

There is not a one size fits all strategy to microdosing magic mushrooms, since they influence everybody unexpectedly. The best technique is whichever strategy turns out best for you! Beneath, you’ll find the three most normal and broadly acknowledged microdosing plans. On the whole, a couple of speedy tips!

  •  Don’t microdose every day with the goal that you can keep feeling the impacts and try not to fabricate a resilience
  • Take your microdose in the morning to encounter the advantages without interfering with your rest plan around evening time
  • Clear some time to relax for your first microdose. On the off chance that you wind up dosing more than arranged and begin to trip, you’ll need to be in a space where you feel good
  • Observe how you feel after your microdose and get it on paper, if you want to change your dose sometime later

Microdose Methods

 Fadiman Method
Microdose every third day

Microdose one day, then take a two-day break. If you take your microdose on Monday, take note if you still feel any afterglow lingering effects on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then take your next microdose on Thursday, etc.

The theory behind it: 
James Fadiman, longtime psychedelic researcher and author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, made this schedule by compiling data from his research and experiences. “The effects of microdosing were lasting up to two days. The hallucinogenics are gone inside a couple of hours, however, you have a similar sort of an inclination to working better for two days,” says Fadiman.

 Stamets Method
Microdose every day for five days 

Microdose once a day for five days, then take a two-day break. Attempt this technique by taking a microdose once a day on Monday-Friday for a better state of mind during your week of work.

The theory behind it: 
Paul Stamets, a widely acclaimed mycologist, and creator of Mycelium Running are as of now one of the world’s driving specialists in mushrooms. He prescribes multi-day times of dosing to improve your regular daily existence, yet within the middle between so you don’t construct a resilience.

 Balance Method
Microdose every other day 

Microdose one day, then take a one-day break. Try pausing this method every other week so that you don’t build up a tolerance.

The theory behind it: 
Some favor this approach essentially because it is the most straightforward strategy to recollect. Since the impacts of a microdose can keep going for two days, you might in any case feel the impacts of the past dose when you take your next dose. This might make more grounded and more recognizable impacts

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